家庭用エネルギーに関する調査 Investigation of Household Energy Consumption
Our expertise, combined with our rich database of household energy consumption ranging from past to present, allows us to determine actual energy consumption, analyze the demand structure, and create a forecast of future energy use.
省エネルギー・温暖化対策への政策検討支援 Consultation on Energy Conservation / Global Warming Countermeasures
With our knowledge of energy consumption in the civilian sector, and expertise and experience in research methods, we conduct basic research and provide consultation for our clients on matters related to energy conservation and global warming.
海外におけるエネルギー政策・動向調査 International Energy Policies/ Trend Surveys
Energy conservation and global warming are challenges shared worldwide. Thus, it is of utmost importance to facilitate exchange and discussion regarding measures taken by governments around the globe, as well as efforts and achievements in the private sectors. Taking advantage of an international network of energy conservation experts, we conduct trend surveys, including field surveys, on policies and markets abroad.
エネルギー・環境分野での行動科学・ナッジの応用 Applying Behavioral Insights and Nudges to Energy and Environmental Policies and Practices
We conduct pilot projects and international case studies, and provide policy development support and consultation services with the aim of promoting energy efficiency and decarbonization. Our approach leverages behavioral insights and nudge techniques.
エネルギー設備・機器・システムの性能評価 Performance Evaluation of Energy Facilities, Equipment, System
We provide performance evaluation of both household and commercial energy facilities and equipment, basing our results on assessments of actual performance and performance under laboratory conditions.
Energy Conservation Plans in Asia, Survey on Commercial Energy Consumption / ESCO
Through our accomplishments in domestic research, we have pinpointed lifestyle and energy as critical themes for research. Drawing from our ample knowledge and background, we conduct field surveys and interviews and provide consultation concerning energy and climate issues in countries throughout Asia.
エネルギー消費の実態把握や需要構造分析、将来予測等の調査を行います。また、国内外のESCO(Energy Service Company)事情に関する多くの調査実績から、地方自治体や官公庁への導入コンサルテーションを行います。
Our aim is to survey actual energy consumption, analyze demand structure, and produce a forecast of future energy use. In addition, we provide consultation to local governments and public offices on the introduction and implementation of ESCO (Energy Service Company), which has proven to be a success both nationally and internationally.